hi my name is leka and i did a podcast with my friend , and we really enjoyed it
Atelea Revision 2/3
this is what i did today
Units of Measurement – Length
this is what i learnt today if you liked it please leave a postive comment.
Are you bored yet moive
this is our play that we did during term 3 if you like this movie please leave a positive comment if you can
Personification in Poetry
this what we did today
Story Setting Description
here is what i did today if you have any ideas what i should do next please leave a positive comment ! .
Year 8 camp Recount
Wednesday the 8th of may the year 8s had a camp called leadership camp, this camp was located in kauaeranga. In this camp we learned that the path to leadership is through service . We also went for learning how to be a good leader and having a relationship with people we don’t normally hang out with.
My highlight of the camp was the gokarts because you can drift and also you get a time lap and whoever hs the lowest time wins.and the person that won was nikau. |
My second highlight was sleeping in my cabin with my friends because we told scary stories and funny ones. We then had a good sleep after that. i also liked how everyone was so active
My third highlight was the gun range because i hit the little target 4x in a row i also liked how me and my team worked together and had fun; |
My thoughts were parts of the camp was good and fun but i think we could improve on good leadership and more teamwork.